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Blast your core at home with this workout routine

Blast your core plank workout

I promised to post another one of my sister’s workouts from her archives. This workout routine I did last week, and I will reiterate that I’m more out of shape than I thought! It hurt! But, I’m going to attempt it again twice this week.

Here’s a core-strengthening workout from my sister’s archives that I love.


I have my fitness certification but am not a personal trainer or expert. If you have any specific concerns or areas you want to improve, try online consulting with your doctor or a personal trainer.   

Core strength is a key component in overall fitness. Strong abs and back muscles can also help reduce your injury when you are working out other areas of your body. 

For this program, all you need is a mat or towel.

This workout routine may help you improve your ab and back strength if you do it regularly. 


There are components for increasing difficulty if you find the sequence easy or if it starts getting easier as you do it. For example, use ankle or wrist weights, or resistance bands. 

Repeat this sequence as many times as you can to get your core engaged. Try to add an additional one or two sets each time you do this routine to increase your core fitness.

I hope to add some resistance bands at some point – maybe in two weeks. Our quarantine has been extended until the middle of May at the minimum.

I will post her posture and back strengthening workout next. Here’s a link to a post I wrote with some other awesome routines you can do at home.

Stay safe and well everyone. I hope you have a positive week ahead. 

If you’re struggling to cope during this time, please talk to your doctor or a professional counselor. Many countries are offering free counselling services during the quarantine. 

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