Get into a fitness groove

Get into a fitness groove

I’ve been in a workout drought lately and am going to be posting some motivational posts to help myself, and hopefully others get into a fitness groove. I figure it’s a good time for it as a new year usually means resolutions for many. If fitness is one of yours, maybe some of these tips can help.

You may never have worked out before. Or you stopped or slowed down because of other commitments. Maybe you’ve had a health setback, or you just worked out because you knew it was good for you but were never really into it. I’m terrible at working out on my own. I need a trainer to keep my motivation high. I don’t currently have one, so I have to look for different ways of getting into a workout groove. Over time I’ve figured out how to do it.

See if any of the following tips will help to get your workout motivation to an all-time high.

Stay vertical as much as possible. 

Don’t lie down when you can sit. Don’t sit when you can stand and don’t stand when you can move. Each one burns more calories than the first option. Eventually, these little tweaks will become ingrained, and you will instinctively want to move.

Do something fun. 

If you hate the gym, or the thought of weights or the treadmill make you yawn, do something you’ll enjoy. It will help you stick with it in the longer run. There are endless options, including dancing, boxing, yoga, Crossfit, Zumba, Pilates, and spinning. See what’s open in your area that may be of interest to you, if you’re not in lockdown. If you are in lockdown, try online options. There are tons!

Walk away from stress. 

Instead of sitting down for coffee or tea, try going for a stress-relieving and energizing walk.

Schedule it into your day. 

Set aside the time to workout and stick to your schedule. Let others know about it so that they try not to contact you during those times.

Attempt to exercise at roughly the same time each day. Once working out becomes a habit, you’ll get used to it, and your body will be receptive. It will make it easier to keep the pattern going.

Change your routine. 

If you’re in a rut with your workout of choice, try doing something different. For example, instead of running try pilates. Are you bored with yoga? Give boxing a try. If you find doing something new intimidating, check it out first to see if it’s for you. The change can keep things fresh and your attitude about fitness positive.

Keep a progress chart. 

Reminding yourself of what you’ve done is excellent motivation to keep going. It also helps you establish a pattern.

Set realistic goals. 

Not meeting goals can end motivation. Make sure you set targets you can achieve. Check out our Smart Objectives Template to help you set appropriate fitness goals.

Get a workout inspiration buddy. 

Do things with friends and try to match or outlast their total participation time. Don’t measure who is stronger or faster, but establish a friendly rivalry over your commitment.

Find a personal trainer. 

If it’s in your budget, a trainer can help you meet your goals, get you motivated and help you avoid injury. It’s essential to find someone who will partner with you and won’t push you into things you can’t handle. Also, find someone you can establish and maintain a good relationship. More and more trainers have put their services online during Covid19, and they are also usually more reasonably priced. You can find someone from anywhere in the world that matches your goals.

Try to avoid getting injured. 

Nothing can deter you more than getting sidelined by an injury. Try not to exercise the same muscle groups two days in a row. Stretch to relieve muscle tightness. Make sure your form is correct and don’t attempt more than you can handle.

Make it more exciting. 

If you get bored while you’re exercising, try boosting the interest level. For example, use music, vary the tempo of your workout or do your workout in a different location.

Adjust when things come up. 

If something happens and things become so hectic that you can’t get in your standard block of fitness time, try splitting it into smaller and more frequent portions of time. You’ll still get benefits.

Congratulate yourself for your efforts. 

Give yourself credit when you meet a goal and don’t criticize yourself if you miss one.

I hope some of these tips help get you in a fitness groove! For some more fitness motivation tips, check out my other posts.


  1. Love the tips you have here! I would also say that doing a fitness program, with a clear start and end date, really helps me with motivation and getting back into the groove. It gives me something to work towards, helping to steer clear of unrealistic or unhealthy goals.

    1. Author

      Thanks so much!

  2. Good tips! I try and keep the ‘why’ in mind for motivation. For me keeping fit is itself not enough, but keeping fit enough to make hikes easier and more enjoyable is a better focus

  3. Those are all great tips. I always found the days I forced myself to exercise to be the most rewarding

  4. Staying vertical is great advice especially for Winter. These are the months for building your fitness💪

    1. Author

      Thanks so much! These are the months! Have a great start to 2021!

  5. So inspirational & beautiful post. Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Dorothy!

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