eat your way to awesome skin

Eat your way to awesome skin part 2

This is part 2 of my “Eat Your Way to Awesome Skin” articles. Part 1 focused on foods to eat for awesome skin. Part 2 focuses on eating for specific skin conditions. It’s kind of long so I’ll get right to it!

Here’s a breakdown of foods that can help with some of the main skin conditions.


Acne happens when your skin’s sebaceous glands are inflamed and infected. Your hormones, particularly androgens, are one of the causes. You want to eat foods that help keep your androgens lower.

Eat these

Eat more fresh fruit, raw vegetables and whole grains. Include foods with a lot of selenium such as Brazil and cashew nuts, sunflower seeds and walnuts. Four Brazil nuts will give almost your recommended daily amount. Omega-3 helps inflammation so flaxseed is a good option. Strawberries contain salicylic acid which helps fight acne.

Just say no

Cut out saturated and hydrogenated fat. They are found in processed foods and junk food. You want to stop eating foods high in sugar.

For more information about what to eat or not to eat, read this article on


 Eczema is a skin condition that usually begins as patchy redness, often on the hands, but they can appear anywhere. Although there are many triggers like stress, for some people food sensitivity is one.

Just say no

Stay away from milk, eggs, fish, cheese, nuts and food additives.

For more information about what to eat or not to eat, read the National Eczema Association.


Psoriasis appears as red skin patches with scales found most commonly on the elbows and knees. Patches may feel itchy and sore, and in severe cases, the skin may bleed. Alcohol, smoking, obesity, stress and sunburns can be triggers for an outbreak.

Eat these

Eat more anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as turmeric, red pepper, ginger, cumin, fennel, rosemary and garlic; and foods like kale, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, blueberries, mangoes, strawberries, and figs. Colorful fruits and vegetables are also good.

Just say no

Foods that may be triggers depend on each person and can be identified by your doctor. Some common things to stay away from include processed foods, sugars and for some, gluten has been a sensitivity.

For more information about what to eat or not to eat, read the National Psoriasis Institute.


Rosacea appears as redness on the nose, cheeks, chin or forehead, small visible bumps and blood vessels on the face and watery or irritated eyes. Alcohol, skin care products, stress, and weather can be triggers for an outbreak.

Eat these

Eat vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, leafy greens, okra, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and zucchini, and soothing spices like cardamom, coriander, fennel and saffron. Omega-3 rich foods like flaxseed oil is also good.

Just say no

Foods that may be triggers depend on each person. Some common things to stay away from include foods that are processed or spicy, dairy, sugars, and gluten. Vinegar, eggplant, avocados, bananas, vanilla, raisins, red plums, and tomatoes also can trigger an outbreak.

For more information about what to eat or not to eat, read the National Rosacea Society.


For more diy skincare tips, check out our other articles.


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      It really does come from inside! Thanks so much for your comment!

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